Simon '... don't know if I know any gay people...'
That says it all. Probably most people don't even know a homosexual or if they are homosexual. BUT they still insist on being extremely vocal about it. In Vancouver they have an annual Gay Pride Parade with 600,000 attending to watch. Sure, bring the kiddies with you and make a day of it. It's a parade. Parents bringing children. Sheesh!
And how does pride enter the vocabulary here? Gay? As one old timer said on a radio station, " I don't see what's so gay about a man putting his penis in another man's bottom." Every second show on TV has to bring homosexuality into it. [Sorry, can't bring myself to use the word 'gay' to describe the relationship. Well, no, I'm not sorry.] And stop painting my side walk crossings with rainbow colours.
I get what they're doing. I get it!
And leave my politicians alone. They have better things to do. Leave them alone!
And leave my country alone.
Leave it alone.